Class AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.sql.Wrapper, javax.naming.Referenceable, javax.sql.CommonDataSource, javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource, javax.sql.DataSource

    public class AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource
    extends AS400JDBCDataSource
    implements javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource, javax.naming.Referenceable,
    The AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource class represents a factory for AS400PooledConnection objects.

    The following is an example that creates an AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource object that can be used to cache JDBC connections.

      // Create a data source for making the connection.
      AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource dataSource = new AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource("myAS400");
      // Get the PooledConnection.
      PooledConnection pooledConnection = datasource.getPooledConnection();
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource

        public AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource()
        Constructs a default AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource object.
      • AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource

        public AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource(java.lang.String serverName)
        Constructs an AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource with the specified serverName.
        serverName - The IBM i system name.
      • AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource

        public AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource(java.lang.String serverName,
                                         java.lang.String user,
                                         java.lang.String password)
        Constructs an AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource with the specified signon information.
        serverName - The IBM i system name.
        user - The user id.
        password - The password.
      • AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource

        public AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource(java.lang.String serverName,
                                         java.lang.String user,
                                         java.lang.String password,
                                         java.lang.String keyRingNameX,
                                         java.lang.String keyRingPasswordX)
        Constructs an AS400JDBCConnectionPoolDataSource with the specified signon information to use for SSL communications with the system.
        serverName - The IBM i system name.
        user - The user id.
        password - The password.
        keyRingNameX - The key ring class name to be used for SSL communications with the system.
        keyRingPasswordX - The password for the key ring class to be used for SSL communications with the system.
    • Method Detail

      • getPooledConnection

        public javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnection()
                                                       throws java.sql.SQLException
        Returns a pooled connection that is connected to the IBM i system.
        Specified by:
        getPooledConnection in interface javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
        A pooled connection.
        java.sql.SQLException - If a database error occurs.
      • getPooledConnection

        public javax.sql.PooledConnection getPooledConnection(java.lang.String user,
                                                     java.lang.String password)
                                                       throws java.sql.SQLException
        Returns a pooled connection that is connected to the IBM i system.
        Specified by:
        getPooledConnection in interface javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
        user - The userid for the connection.
        password - The password for the connection.
        A pooled connection.
        java.sql.SQLException - If a database error occurs.
      • getReference

        public javax.naming.Reference getReference()
                                            throws javax.naming.NamingException
        Returns the Reference object for the data source object. This is used by JNDI when bound in a JNDI naming service. Contains the information necessary to reconstruct the data source object when it is later retrieved from JNDI via an object factory.
        Specified by:
        getReference in interface javax.naming.Referenceable
        getReference in class AS400JDBCDataSource
        A Reference object for the data source object.
        javax.naming.NamingException - If a naming error occurs resolving the object.